Stuff Your Android with FREE ebooks! ONE Day Only!
December 26, 2024!

Get the books at your preferred ebook retailer, for FREE, no strings attached. This list is for the Google Play store. If you prefer to read ebooks on Apple Books, Kobo, Barnes & Noble Nook, or Kindle, we have pages for those free deals, too.

PLEASE CHECK ALL PRICES BEFORE YOU ONE-CLICK! All of these books were free at the time this list was built, but *waves hands at the internet* things happen.


We have books in every category, follow these links to jump to your preferred section, or scroll through and browse in every category: Young Adult, Mystery with Romantic Elements, Historical Romance, Fantasy Romance, Urban Fantasy, Paranormal Romance, Sci-Fi Romance, Romantic Suspense, New Adult, Rom Com, Women’s Fiction & Chick Lit, Sweet Contemporary Romance, Steamy Contemporary Romance, Spicy Contemporary Romance and Erotic Romance, and Dark Romance

In addition to being listed in the above categories, if you are a reader looking specifically for books written by authors of colour about Protagonists of Colour, or books with LGBTQ+ Protagonists, or books written by disabled or neurodiverse authors, we have those books in their own lists as well.

Young Adult Romance

Our December 26 event is now over! Please come back next summer for our next Stuff Your eReader event!

Mystery with Romantic Elements

Our December 26 event is now over! Please come back next summer for our next Stuff Your eReader event!

Historical Romance

Our December 26 event is now over! Please come back next summer for our next Stuff Your eReader event!

Fantasy Romance and Romantasy

Our December 26 event is now over! Please come back next summer for our next Stuff Your eReader event!

Urban Fantasy

Our December 26 event is now over! Please come back next summer for our next Stuff Your eReader event!

Paranormal Romance

Our December 26 event is now over! Please come back next summer for our next Stuff Your eReader event!

Sci-Fi Romance

Our December 26 event is now over! Please come back next summer for our next Stuff Your eReader event!

Romantic Suspense

Our December 26 event is now over! Please come back next summer for our next Stuff Your eReader event!

New Adult

Our December 26 event is now over! Please come back next summer for our next Stuff Your eReader event!

Rom Com

Our December 26 event is now over! Please come back next summer for our next Stuff Your eReader event!

Women’s Fiction

Our December 26 event is now over! Please come back next summer for our next Stuff Your eReader event!

Sweet Contemporary Romance

Our December 26 event is now over! Please come back next summer for our next Stuff Your eReader event!

Steamy Contemporary Romance

Our December 26 event is now over! Please come back next summer for our next Stuff Your eReader event!

Spicy Contemporary Romance and Erotic Romance

Our December 26 event is now over! Please come back next summer for our next Stuff Your eReader event!

Dark Romance

Our December 26 event is now over! Please come back next summer for our next Stuff Your eReader event!